Paralix Dog Leash Tutorial

Paralix Dog Leash

This paracord dog leash is a simple but pretty dog leash that is beginner-friendly

What you need

• Paracord – One foot per one inch in length (for two colours, you need half for each colour)

• 2 x Trigger Snap Hooks

• 1 x ‘D’ Ring

• 1 x Lighter

• Fids

• Scissors

• Ruler / Tape Measure

Step One: Create a Lark’s Head Knot

Find the middle of your cord and loop it through one snap hook.
Tighten the cord

Step two: Set your leash length

Pull the ends of the cord through the other snap hook.
Leash length is the distance between the cord.

Step three: Secure your leash length

Use your fingers to hold the cord in place.
Take the far left cord and loop it around the cord next to it.
Pull through and tighten.
Do the same for the other side.

Step four: Begin your Paralix Weave

Take your right cord, make a bend and place it over the two centre cords.
Now take your left cord and bring it over then over cords.
Now bring it behind the cord and out the loop on the other side.
Pull the cord through and tighten.
Now take the right cord (pink) and bring it over the two centre cords and under the far right (blue).
Pull through and tighten.
Take the left cord (pink) and take it over the two centre cords and under the far right (blue)
Bring it behind and through the loop.
Repeat those steps again until approximately 30cm (one foot).

Step five: Attach the ‘D’ Ring

Take your cord (pink) and pull it through the ‘D’ Ring.
Bring the cord over the two centre cords and behind the far cord (blue)
Pull it through the created loop and tighten.
Repeat until you get the to bottom of the ‘D’ Ring

Step six: Continue Paralix weave all the way to the bottom

Now continue the Paralix weave all the way to the bottom of the leash

Step seven: Secure the cord ends.

Attach your fids.
Flip your leash over.
Bring your fid through the Snap hook.
Insert your fids into your leash.
Next, do the other fid but this time thread under the cord on the snap hook for clean look

Step eight: Cut and singe the ends

Leash Complete.

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